Effective Breakout Groups for Intro Lessons

effective breakout groups

“In dealing with people, when we keep their type in mind, we are respecting not only their abstract right to develop along lines of their own choosing, but also the importance of qualities they have developed by making that choice.“

Effective Breakout Groups for Long-Term Projects

effective breakout groups

Break Apart by Multiple Intelligence FIRST Place at least one child with a parallel preference in each of your breakout groups. E.g., for a history lesson, place a child with and intra- or interpersonal preference in each breakout group; for

Effective Breakout Groups for Practice Lessons

effective breakout groups

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." Albert Einstein MBTI Manual, p32 Break by Multiple Intelligence FIRST Place at

Sew Cool!

While many parents think of sewing as “antiquated” and/or “just for girls”, there are plenty of benefits that can be derived from both your sons and daughters learning to sew in the kinesthetic intelligence, visual/spatial intelligence, logical/mathematical and naturistic intelligence realms. Kinesthetically speaking :: from